Agricultural phase of the silk chain

Vocational training course for the acquisition of skills and knowledge of good practices in mulberry cultivation and silkworm rearing for cocoon production.

Based on a theoretical-practical teaching methodology, the course includes frontal theoretical lessons and direct experience in the field, in order to convey the notions more effectively.

An in-depth study is devoted to the products and by-products of the silk industry to inform about the opportunities for new profitability offered by sericulture, all with a view to sustainable development.




The course alternates between theoretical training and practical experience to fix the concepts immediately and has a total duration of 12 HOURS.
Indicative timetable:
  • Day 1: 14:00 - 19:00 hours.
  • Day 2: 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.; 2.30 p.m. - 5.30 p.m.
Course days can be arranged by sending an email or contacting us by phone.
N.B: the timetables indicated are flexible and can be altered according to company needs or at the request of the trainees.


The course takes place in person at the operational headquarters and at Tecnoseta srl's mulberry orchard:
ZAGAROLO (RM) - ITALY, Largo San Sebastiano 5.
SAN CESAREO (RM) - ITALY, Via dell'Ombrello snc.

Are you interested in working with cocoons?

See our treatment courses

For information
send email

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please write to us at info@tecnoseta.com.
We are working to solve the problem. Thank you.

@2025 Tecnoseta srl