Projects funded by the Lazio Region's entrepreneurship support programmes,
co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).


PR ERDF Lazio 2021/2027 Specific Objective 1.3 'Internationalisation Programme for SMEs - Year 2023'.
Il progetto per l'internazionalizzazione e la partecipazione a fiere è finanziato da Coesione Italia 21-27 Lazio, Unione Europea, Repubblica Italiana, Regione Lazio.

GRANT DATE: 07/05/2024



ObjectiveParticipation in trade fairs in order to broaden access to foreign markets and foster the internationalisation process.

Having recently entered the European market with its products, Tecnoseta is planning its marketing strategy in order to strategically position its brand and communicate its distinctive identity. The global visibility offered by an international trade fair would, in fact, allow the company to generate leads, to outline new development prospects and to have maximum impact on its target audience through the telling of its three flagship products:

  • capsule collections in silk from traceable, sustainable and completely Made in Italy supply chains;
  • the raw silk thread;
  • innovative machinery for converting cocoons into silk thread and related services.

The choice of the following three international trade fairs for the project is strategic, aligned with the global vision of the company's own silk industry and aimed at supporting the specific objectives of the company's business model. The project involves Tecnoseta's participation in:

  • Phygital Sustainability Expo, Rome, Mercati di Traiano, 4 - 5 June 2024;
  • FILO - International Yarns Exhibition, Milan, Allianz MiCo - Milano Convention Centre, 18 - 19 September 2024;
  • FIMAST + A&T Automation & Testing, Vicenza, Fiera di Vicenza, 6 - 7 - 8 November 2024.


POR ERDF Lazio 2014/2020 'Investment for growth and jobs'
Axis 1 'Research and Innovation
Action 1.4.1 'Support for the creation and consolidation of knowledge-intensive innovative start-ups
Loghi Istituzionali degli Enti finanziatori del bando Pre-Seed

GRANT DATE: 04/05/2022



The project aims to complete the engineering and development of the Tecnoseta machinery line specifically for silk thread production, and to organise and optimise the prototype and construction processes of its innovations.

Project actions include:

  • the engineering process for re-reeling and vacuum maceration machines;
  • testing sessions and tests to assess the electrical safety and electromagnetic compatibility of electrical and electronic systems, as well as the mechanical component of re-reeling and vacuum maceration machinery;
  • the increase of equipment for the enhancement of the company's operational plan, specifically in the R&D sector.
@2024 Tecnoseta srl